Partnering with our community

He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!”

Revelation 21:5

We believe that God is bringing about a new heaven and new earth that will redeem all of creation! And he invites us to take part in it! This means that we are called to join God in his redemptive, kingdom work throughout our city, in our workplaces, in our schools, in every aspect of this world we inhabit. We ask the Holy Spirit to open our eyes to what God is doing in and through us, and seek to join him in his redemptive work.

Lord, may your kingdom come and your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

“seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it.”

Jeremiah 29:7

God’s people have always been tasked with being shalom-bringers. Shalom, or peace, is more than just the absence of war, poverty, and sickness but points towards abundance!

We want to partner with organizations, churches, and people who would advance the kingdom of God in our city by supporting people experiencing homelessness, isolation, hunger, poverty, and mental health issues.

If God is calling you to care for a specific issue in our city, we would love to hear about it and see how we can come alongside you, support you, or connect you with others in our city who are passionate and gifted in these areas. Connect with John, our Pastor of Community Life, by email at